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Understanding getUnifiedERC20Balance

The getUnifiedERC20Balance function is a powerful utility that aggregates ERC20 token balances across multiple chains into a single, unified view. It's particularly useful when you need to understand your total token position across different networks.


const unifiedBalance = await getUnifiedERC20Balance({
    multichainERC20: mcUSDC,  // Your multichain token contract
    multichainAccount: mcNexus // Your multichain account
console.log('Total balance across all chains:', unifiedBalance.balance.toString());
console.log('Token decimals:', unifiedBalance.decimals);
// View breakdown by chain
unifiedBalance.breakdown.forEach(item => {
    console.log(`Chain ${item.chainId}: ${item.balance.toString()}`);

Return Value Structure

The function returns a comprehensive balance object:

type UnifiedERC20Balance = {
    // Total balance across all chains
    balance: bigint,
    // Token decimals (must be consistent across chains)
    decimals: number,
    // Per-chain breakdown
    breakdown: Array<{
        chainId: number,
        balance: bigint,
        decimals: number
    // Reference to the original token contract
    token: MultichainContract<typeof erc20Abi>

How It Works

The function:

  1. Takes a multichain token contract and account
  2. Queries balances on each chain where the token is deployed
  3. Verifies decimal consistency across all deployments
  4. Aggregates the total balance
  5. Provides both the total and per-chain breakdown

Error Handling

The function performs important validations:

  • Checks account initialization on each chain
  • Verifies token decimal consistency
  • Throws clear error messages if requirements aren't met

Example Use Cases

Useful for scenarios like:

  • Checking if you have enough total tokens for a cross-chain operation
  • Displaying user balances in a DApp interface
  • Finding chains with the highest token balances
  • Monitoring token distribution across networks

Important Notes

  • All token deployments must have the same number of decimals
  • Account must be initialized on all chains where you want to check balances
  • Returns raw bigint values - remember to format with decimals for display