k1Validator module tutorial
Installing and using a K1Validator Module
This example demonstrates how to install a K1Validator module on a Nexus Smart Account using the SDK.
First, import the necessary dependencies and set up your smart account:
import { createWalletClient, http } from "viem";
import { baseSepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { createSmartAccountClient, ModuleType, K1_VALIDATOR } from "@biconomy/account";
// Setup your wallet client
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: baseSepolia,
transport: http()
// Create your smart account
const smartAccount = await createSmartAccountClient({
signer: walletClient,
bundlerUrl: "https://bundler.biconomy.io/api/v2/...", // Your bundler URL
Now, let's install the K1Validator module:
// Encode the owner address (usually the signer's address)
const ownerAddress = await walletClient.account.address;
const encodedOwnerAddress = encodePacked(["address"], [ownerAddress]);
// Install the module
const userOpReceipt = await smartAccount.installModule({
moduleAddress: K1_VALIDATOR,
type: 'validator',
data: encodedOwnerAddress
After installation, you can verify if the module is installed
const isInstalled = await smartAccount.isModuleInstalled({
moduleAddress: K1_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS,
type: 'validator'
Now we can send user ops and do actions like minting an NFT, the same way we did it in the Quickstart using the k1Validator
as the validation module.