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This method prepares a user operation with token paymaster configuration, including ERC20 token approval. It handles:

  1. Checking current token allowance of Smart Account
  2. Creating an approval transaction for the token paymaster if needed
  3. Preparing the user operation with the approval and user transactions


import { nexusClient } from "./nexusClient"
const userOp = await nexusClient.prepareTokenPaymasterUserOp({
  calls: [
      to: recipientAddress,
      value: 1n,
      data: "0x"
  feeTokenAddress: "0x...", // ERC20 token address
  customApprovalAmount: usdcFeeAmount // optional


  • calls { to: Address, data: Hex, value: bigint }[]: Array of transactions to be executed
  • feeTokenAddress Address: Token address used for paying for the gas
  • customApprovalAmount bigint (optional): Custom approval amount for the token paymaster. If not provided, max uint256 will be used


  • Promise<Omit<UserOperation<"0.7">, "signature">>: Returns a prepared user operation without signature (will be signed by the Smart Account when sent)

Error Handling

The method will throw an error if:

  • Client account is not properly configured
  • Paymaster context is not properly configured