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Smart Sessions Methods

Smart Sessions provide a secure way to delegate specific permissions to session keys. The following methods are available for managing and using smart sessions:

Creating Sessions

  • grantPermission - Create a new session with specific permissions and rules
  • grantDeferredPermission - Create a deferred session that can be activated later in the moment it is needed (just in time)
  • trustAttesters - Add trusted attesters for session validation

Using Sessions

  • usePermission - Execute transactions using granted session permissions

Example Flow

  1. First, grant permissions to create a session:
const response = await client.grantPermission({
  sessionRequestedInfo: [{
    sessionPublicKey: "0x...",
    actionPoliciesInfo: [{
      contractAddress: "0x...",
      functionSelector: "0x...",
      sudo: true
  1. Then use the session to execute transactions:
const hash = await sessionClient.usePermission({
  calls: [{
    to: targetContract,
    data: encodeFunctionData({
      abi: contractABI,
      functionName: "transfer",
      args: [recipient, amount]

For detailed information about configuring session policies and rules, see the Smart Session Policies documentation.