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Passkey Validator Module Overview

The PasskeyValidator is a WebAuthn-based validator module for ERC-7579 compliant smart accounts that enables passwordless authentication using the FIDO2 standard. It validates signatures generated through browser or device-based authenticators for ERC-4337 user operations.

Key Features

  • WebAuthn-based signature validation for user operations
  • Supports both registration and authentication flows
  • Device-bound cryptographic key management
  • Phishing-resistant authentication
  • Compatible with hardware security tokens

Core Functionality

  • Installation and uninstallation as a module
  • Passwordless authentication for user operations using biometrics

Authentication Operations

import { toWebAuthnKey, WebAuthnMode } from "@biconomy/passkey";
// Create new passkey
const registerWebAuthnKey = await toWebAuthnKey({
    passkeyName: "accountName",
    mode: WebAuthnMode.Register
// Login with existing passkey
const loginWebAuthnKey = await toWebAuthnKey({
    mode: WebAuthnMode.Login

Signature Format

authenticatorDatabytesRaw authenticator data from WebAuthn response
clientDataJSONstringClient data in JSON format containing challenge and origin
responseTypeLocationuint256Location identifier for the response type
ruint256R component of the ECDSA signature
suint256S component of the ECDSA signature
usePrecompiledboolFlag to indicate if precompiled contract should be used

Security Features

  • Domain-bound credentials preventing phishing attacks
  • No exportable private keys
  • Optional hardware token support
  • Biometric authentication support
  • Challenge-response based authentication


  • Requires WebAuthn-compatible environment (browser/device)
  • Device-specific authentication
  • Needs backup/recovery mechanism
  • Limited to client-side implementations

Security Considerations

  • Store passkey data securely using the device's secure storage
  • Implement proper error handling for failed authentications
  • Consider implementing multiple passkeys for backup
  • Regular validation of installed passkeys
  • Proper cleanup during uninstallation

The PasskeyValidator provides a secure, user-friendly authentication mechanism for ERC-7579 compliant smart accounts, leveraging modern WebAuthn standards while maintaining the security requirements of blockchain operations.