Ownable (Multisig) Module
The Ownable module provides multi-signature functionality for smart contract accounts, allowing multiple owners to control an account with configurable signature thresholds.
Adds a new owner to the smart contract account.
import { nexusClient } from "./nexusClient"
import { toOwnableValidator, ownableActions } from "@biconomy/sdk"
const ownableModule = toOwnableValidator({
account: nexusClient.account,
signer: eoaAccount
const ownableNexusClient = nexusClient.extend(ownableActions(ownableModule));
const hash = await ownableNexusClient.addOwner({
owner: "0x..."
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
account | ModularSmartAccount | The smart account to add the owner to. Uses client's account if not provided | No |
owner | Hex | Address of the new owner | Yes |
maxFeePerGas | bigint | Maximum fee per gas unit | No |
maxPriorityFeePerGas | bigint | Maximum priority fee per gas unit | No |
nonce | bigint | Transaction nonce. Auto-determined if not provided | No |
Returns a promise that resolves to the transaction hash (Hex
Removes an existing owner from the smart contract account.
const hash = await ownableNexusClient.removeOwner({
owner: "0x..."
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
account | ModularSmartAccount | The smart account to remove the owner from. Uses client's account if not provided | No |
owner | Hex | Address of the owner to remove | Yes |
maxFeePerGas | bigint | Maximum fee per gas unit | No |
maxPriorityFeePerGas | bigint | Maximum priority fee per gas unit | No |
nonce | bigint | Transaction nonce. Auto-determined if not provided | No |
Retrieves the current signature threshold for the account.
const threshold = await ownableNexusClient.getThreshold();
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
account | ModularSmartAccount | The smart account to query. Uses client's account if not provided | No |
Returns a promise that resolves to the current threshold value (number
Updates the signature threshold for the account.
const hash = await ownableNexusClient.setThreshold({
threshold: 2n
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
account | ModularSmartAccount | The smart account to update. Uses client's account if not provided | No |
threshold | bigint | New threshold value | Yes |
maxFeePerGas | bigint | Maximum fee per gas unit | No |
maxPriorityFeePerGas | bigint | Maximum priority fee per gas unit | No |
nonce | bigint | Transaction nonce. Auto-determined if not provided | No |
Combines multiple signatures for a multi-sig transaction.
const combinedSignature = await ownableNexusClient.prepareSignatures({
signatures: ["0x...", "0x..."]
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
account | ModularSmartAccount | The smart account context. Uses client's account if not provided | No |
signatures | Hex[] | Array of signatures to combine | Yes |
Returns a promise that resolves to the combined signature (Hex
Complete Example
Here's a complete example showing how to set up and use a multi-signature configuration:
import { nexusClient } from "./nexusClient"
import { toOwnableValidator, ownableActions } from "@biconomy/sdk"
// 1. Create and configure the ownable module
const ownableModule = toOwnableValidator({
account: nexusClient.account,
signer: eoaAccount,
moduleInitArgs: {
threshold: 2n,
owners: [owner1.address, owner2.address]
// 2. Install the module
const installHash = await nexusClient.installModule({
module: ownableModule.moduleInitData
await nexusClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({ hash: installHash });
// 3. Extend the client with ownable actions
const ownableNexusClient = nexusClient.extend(ownableActions(ownableModule));
// 4. Prepare a multi-sig transaction
const userOp = await ownableNexusClient.prepareUserOperation({
calls: [{
to: recipient,
value: amount
// 5. Collect required signatures
const userOpHash = await nexusClient.account.getUserOpHash(userOp);
const signatures = await Promise.all([
owner1.signMessage({ message: { raw: userOpHash } }),
owner2.signMessage({ message: { raw: userOpHash } })
// 6. Combine signatures and execute
userOp.signature = await ownableNexusClient.prepareSignatures({ signatures });
const uoHash = await nexusClient.sendUserOperation(userOp);